Monday, January 26, 2009

Owen's 5th Birthday

It's hard to believe that Owen is already turning 5 years old.

Every year we pick a theme for our kids birthday party based on what they like at that particular moment. The past four years of Owen's birthday parties have been frogs, transportation, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and "Cars" the movie. You would think that one of those parties would have been a Thomas theme, based on Owen's obsession with all the Thomas trains. But mom and dad never chose that as a theme and Owen never had an opinion before. Adam decided that it was a no-brainer! Owen's 5th birthday party would have a Thomas theme. I thought we should ask Owen. So Adam said to him "Owen would you like to have a Thomas birthday party this year" and Owen's response to both our surprise was "No thanks dad, I would just like to have a Handy Manny birthday party" I was thrilled that he actually had an opinion, Adam was not beause he is not a big fan of Handy Manny. I had to gently remind him whose birthday it was.

Owen was so excited about this birthday and we couldn't be happier, since most of his birthdays in the past have resulted in total disinterest, sensory overload and sometimes complete meltdowns.

He was telling everyone he was going to be 5 years old. He was excited about opening presents, having a party and even taking treats into school.

The day of his party he was excited to see all the decorations, especially the balloons and he greeted all of his guests at the door when they arrived.

He opened all of his presents with great anticipation and no complaints.

We sang happy birthday at a normal level (no whispering) and he didn't plug his ears. He was smiling and even added his own cha, cha cha line at the appropriate spot in the song.

His cake was special ordered just for him from an SCD bakery in Massachusetts. Owen was so happy that he could take a lick of the frosting off his birthday cake and lick the candles after they were blown out. The moment was truly priceless.

What a great birthday Owen had. Definitely one we will all remember for a long time to come.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Lesson in NAET (Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique)

I get so many puzzled looks and blank stares when I try to explain the NAET treatment to people.

I am certainly no expert, but I will try to summarize it so maybe you can try to gain some insight into the process.

Each week Owen receives a treatment for a different allergen which is part of a series called the Basic 15.

The Basic 15 includes the following allergens: Brain/Body Balance, Egg, Calcium, Vitamin C, B-Complex, Sugar, Iron, Vitamin A, Minerals/Metals, Salt, Grains, Yeast, Stomach Acids, Base (digestive juices and enzymes), Hormones.

The allergen is contained in a glass vial and placed in Owen's sock, so that it is contact with his skin. The doctor then uses chiropractic and accupressure techniques to bring the body's energies into a state of balance. It is said that by doing this, NAET is capable of erasing the previously encoded incorrect message about a specific allergen and replace it with a harmless message by reprogramming the brain.

Owen must then avoid that specific allergen for the next 25 hours. The reason behind the 25 hour restriction is the following:
There are 12 major energy pathways (meridians) in the body. Energy molecules take 2 hours to pass through one meridian when there is normal energy flow. During the NAET treatment, the normal energy flow of the particular molecule of the allergen is established through the energy pathways. If the energy molecule can complete its travel without interruption and return to the original starting point in 24-25 hours, the uninterrupted journey of that particular energy is imprinted in the brain as harmless or beneficial energy. The brain will then be friendlier to that energy in any future contact with it.

During that 25 hour restriction period, it is important that I reinforce the accupressure points on Owen to remind his body of the treatment he received.

We return the following week to the doctor, so that Owen can be checked if the allergen has cleared. This is done by conducting muscle response testing. Muscle Response Testing or MRT is a testing technique based on kinesiology to test allergies by comparing the strength of a muscle in the presence and absence of the allergen.

If the allergen clears we move on to the next allergen and start the process all over again.

Once we complete the Basic 15, Owen will be retested for each allergen using MRT and if everything is still clear, we should be able to start reintroducing restricted foods back into his diet.