Thursday, February 19, 2009

In the Home Stretch

It's hard to believe that we just completed the 12th NAET treatment (yeast) out of 15.

Unfortunately, Owen did not pass the 11th allergen which was grains. However, there has been new NAET protocol established stating that instead of retreating for that same allergen right away, you wait until the Basic 15 is completed and then retreat. The theory behind this is that each allergen builds off of the previous one, and so even if you don't clear it when first treated it may still clear as you move on to additional treatments.

Many of Owen's issues are digestive related which causes him to have frequent and loose bowel movements. In NAET the 11th allergen through the 15th allergen are all related to the digestion process, so these are huge treatments for him. We are anxious to get through the Basic 15 allergens, but we still have work ahead of us. Depending on what doesn't clear at the end of the Basic 15, we will then have to retreat for those allergens in addition to breaking down each individual allergen that may be a problem for him and test those individually.

An example of this is the grain allergen. Included in this allergen is wheat, corn, ice, oats, rye millet and barley. So we can test each of those individually to see which Owen has problems with. If it happens to be rice, then it needs to broken down even further into brown rice, white rice and wild rice.

I never knew how complex this process would be, but it will be so worth it, if Owen can be reintroduced to regular food again.

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